Commands of the active system

When you create new system, all available functions will appear in the Workspace. You can use those functions for creating

and editing elements of the active system.


If you create system "Sewage", following commands will be available on Home and Canalis panel:


image784.jpg     image789.jpg  



If you create system "Water", following commands will be available on Home and Hydra  panel:



 image785.jpg    image790.jpg



If you create system "Geodesy", following commands will be available on Home and Geo panel:



image786.jpg    image791.jpg



If you create system "Polygon", following commands will be available on Home panel:




If you create system "Assembly schemes", following commands will be available on Home panel:





In order to use panels "Terraform" and "Drawing manager", it is not necessary to create system:



image794.jpg     image795.jpg