


Catalogs represent the storage of the predefined items (pipes, manholes, trenches..). Default catalogs will be created when you install Urbano. You can use those defualut items in pipe design in every drawing when working with Urbano. It is possible to create new items, erase existing ones, edit and copy items.  It is possible to export/import catalogs from/to  XML files.


In every catalog it is possible to create catalog group, and in each group it is possible to create catalog items according to availabe item templates.


In some catalogs it is possible to create catalog subgroups within catalog group.


The following catalogs are available:


-    Catalog of assembly elements

-    Catalog of curves/patterns (Hydra)

-        Catalog  junction lines

-       Catalog of geodetic symbols

-    Catalog of additional network data

-       Catalog of manhole equipment (longitudinal section)

-       Catalog for manhole labels (longitudinal section)

-       Catalog of manholes

-    Catalog of prefabricated manhole elements

-       Catalog of printing frames (longitudinal section)

-       Catalog of pipes

-       Catalog of protecting pipes

-       Catalog of trenches

-       Catalog of upper layers


-       Run the rule editor of the import/convert rules of catalog items


image574.jpgClick on the Catalog icon and choose which

 catalog would you like to open:




Following dialog will be opened:







image578.jpg- This icon represents DWG file. Upper part of the dialog will show the items stored in that particular DWG. You can't use those items in your future work. To be able to do that, select those items or the whole group, and add it to your Disk catalog by pressing the button image580.jpg



 image117.gif - This icon represents disk. Lower part of the dialog will show all items stored on your disk. If you add items from the drawing to your catalog on the disk, you will be able to use it in your future work.




How to work with catalog items



- add new item according to available template






The easiest way to create new group of items that are similar to existing one (i.e. items are similar, but with

some different parameters) is to create new group, copy existing items and drag& drop them to the new group,

than change some parameters.




How to work with catalog groups - sheet view

It is possible to edit catalog group of items using group edit (for example, one group of pipes). In the sheet view,

it is possible to see all pipes (or manholes or …) in table view and check all the data. It is much easier to control

 data by simple comparison and edit it directly in the table. In addition, it is much easier to find and correct any kind of error.

Another significant option is that it is possible to copy and paste elements or certain data of elements, to and from Excel.

Group edit is available for three catalog typespipe catalog, manhole catalog and prefabricated parts for the concrete manholes.


Sheet view can be started by the command Edit group data (select group – right click):




When the command is started, sheet view appears:




All the data from the catalog is available in the sheet view.

Working with sheet view is not dynamic – the program will not save and changes in the catalog until you click Apply.

Cells will change color after editing:

-          when edited, cells will change the color (to yellow).

-          when some new items were added (new pipes), those items will become green.

-           when some items were erased, it will be marked with red color.

-          If you just close the sheet view (Cancel button), all the changes will be abandoned.




In sheet view, following actions are available:

Single cell editing - To edit the cell, double click on it and type the value. Editing is finished with Enter (or click to another cell).

When you press Enter, the program will automatically move cursor to the next cell, and you can continue to change values,

as shown on the picture below:



 image983.jpg - Add new item. It is very easy to add new items in the catalog group. The program will add new item as the copy of the existing one. If you want to create new element based on some particular element, place the cursor on that element, and click this button.

It works this way, because the sheet view allows you to create similar items only. If you are working with group of circular pipes, you can add only circular pipe. It is also not possible to use sheet view to work with group that contains items of different types.

image984.jpg - Erase existing items.

image985.jpg - Undo. This button will undo changes.

image986.jpg - Copy one or more cells

image987.jpg - Paste one or more cells

image988.jpg - Copy and paste functionality - It is quite often that the user wants to copy only certain cells. For example, you can add some text in the cell column Pipe manufacturer, and then paste it to all other cells. You can paste the data one by one. It is also possible to copy and paste more values (i.e. Pipe manufacturer, Pipe description and Valid standard) as shown on the picture below:



 image990.jpg  - Move item up

 image991.jpg  - Move item down

 image992.jpg  - Restore catalog order


Sorting of items in the catalog

It is possible to sort items by any value - just pick header of the value. In addition, it is possible to move below

 up and down, if the order is not appropriate. Also, if necessary, it is possible to restore original order.




image995.jpg - Select all cells


Exchange the catalog with Excel

Catalog items can be copied to external application (usually Excel). Catalog values can be edited there using

advanced techniques of the application (i.e. multiple copy and paste). After that, content can be pasted back to

sheet view. This way, working with the catalog can be very efficient. It is possible to export some part of the catalog

and paste back only values that are changed in external application. User should be careful when pasting back the

values, to position cursor precisely where this partial content should be pasted. If paste origin is not correctly defined,

the values will not be correct. The right procedure is shown in few steps below:


a)   Selecting partial content of catalog for copy



Just the values of Pipe manufacturer, Pipe description and Valid standard are copied.


b)        Editing in Excel


Content pasted to Excel before editing

Content after editing in Excel




c)       Pasting back to sheet view


It is very important to properly select right cells before pasting. If it is not the case, mistake can

happen like shown below:




So the values are moved to wrong cells (pipe material takes manufacturer, roughness has values of

description and so on). It is important to mention that it is not possible to create new item in

external source (add new row) and paste it back to Urbano catalog sheet view. To import values

from external source, it is necessary to create appropriate number of items.






image118.gif How to create or modify catalog, catalog groups and items.


1)     Click on Catalog-Disk in the lower part of the dialog

2)     Add new group. If you want to add new element in the existing group, select that group.

3)     Than select item template and click the icon Add new item

4)     Input item parameters

5)     When you finish, press enter

6)     In order to save the changes (new groups, elements) click OK.

7)     If you made a mistake, simply click Cancel. The program will not save the changes.



Catalog of curves/patterns (Hydra)

To be able to use curves and patterns in Hydra, it is necessary to create it in the catalog:




When you create curve/pattern, you have to define the data:





This data are used for calculations in Epanet, which is used for hydraulic calculations in Hydra. The principle of creating curves in Hydra is identical to creating curves in Epanet.

Pump curve

Pump curve represents the relationship between the head and flow rate that pump can deliver at its nominal speed setting.


If there is only one point defined, the program will create curve based only on that one point.  That point represent pump's desired operating point. To create curve program calculates two more points by assuming that when the flow is zero, the head is equal to 133% of head in the entered point, and when head is zero the flow is two times bigger than the flow in the entered point. Program tries to fit that three points into one curve with the form H=a - bQc  (where H is head, Q is flow and a, b and c are constants).


If more than one pair of points is entered, the curve is created by connecting the points with strait-line segments.


For variable speed pumps, the pump curve shifts as the speed changes. The relationships between flow (Q) and head (H) at speeds N1 and N2 are:



Volume curve

Volume curve determines how storage tank volume varies as a function of water level. It is used when it is necessary to accurately represent tanks whose cross sectional area varies with height. The lower and upper water levels supplied for the curve must contain the lower and upper levels between which the tank operates.



Efficiency curve

Efficiency curve determines pump efficiency (%) as a function of pump flow rate. Efficiency takes into account mechanical losses in the pump itself as well as electrical losses in the pump's motor. The curve is used only for energy calculations. If not supplied for a specific pump than a fixed global pump efficiency will be used.

Head loss curve

Head loss curve is used to describe the head loss through a General purpose valve as a function of flow rate. It provides the capability to model devices and situations with unique head loss – flow relationships such as reduced flow- backflow prevention valves, turbines, and so on.



Time Patterns

Time pattern is a collection of multipliers that can be applied to a quantity to allow it to vary over time. Nodal demands, reservoir heads and pump schedules can have time patterns associated with them.


The dialogue of this command is shown on the following picture:




Pattern time step is equal for all patterns and it is set in command "Hydra -> Calculation". By default, that value is one hour. For example, assume that we have node with demand 10 l/s and pattern time step is set 4 hours. If we give to that node the following pattern:




Than the actual demand in that node through time will be as follows:




After the time exceeds the given number of pattern time steps, the pattern wraps around to its first period again. If five periods were lasting one hour each, after five hours the first  period is repeated again.





Catalog of additional network data

Additional data has to be defined in the catalog. When we open additional data catalog, the options are as following:




Every additional data can have arbitrary number of attributes. Attributes can be defined by picking in the field Details. The following dialog opens:



By using the icons in the lower left corner, it is possible to create or delete attribute data. Data type can be text, integer or real. It is possible to define default value. If you want the data to have some predefined values, it is possible to define it. When assigning data, the user will be able to pick the value from the pop-down list.

Example of attributes:






Sometimes, additional data can have repetitive occurrence. Examples are ballast or cathodic protection. The difference between “usual” and “repetitive” additional data are described on the picture below:


Continuous data                                                                    Continuous data with frequency

image1051.jpg                      image1052.jpg






Label of additional data

Label definition can be created in the catalog, too. When selecting Label details, the following dialog appears:




In addition to graphical labelling (buffer or circle), it is possible to show some attributes in labels. To do that, it is necessary to check on option Print attribute values. It is possible to select which data will be used in text label, as shown on the picture below (Details):





It is also possible to assign different color of additional data, related with certain attribute values. This way it is possible to emphasize some values of additional data.




Catalog of manhole equipment (longitudinal section)

In the design of water distribution networks exists some specific equipment of the manholes like air vents, hydrants, pumps, sludge valves, siphons and general type valves. All the equipment can be drawn in longitudinal sections in manholes. But first all these equipment have to be defined in the catalog.




Manhole equipment types which can be defined in the catalogue:


PUMP                                    EMITTER                                  MUD-RELEASE VALVE                

image307.jpg              image308.jpg                 image309.jpg           


AIR-RELEASE VALVE                SYPHON                           VALVE

image310.jpg                        image311.jpg         image312.jpg




Catalog for manhole labels (longitudinal section)

Catalog of manhole labels contains definitions of label which can be drawn in longitudinal sections to label the manholes with some particular data about manholes.




Catalog of manholes


Catalog of all defined manholes which can be used in the drawing. In the catalogue can be defined 8 different types of manholes according to shape, and every shape can contain arbitrary number of elements with different dimensions.




Types of manholes which can be defined in the catalogue:




image285.jpg            image286.jpg           image287.jpg        image288.jpg



image290.jpg           image291.jpg            image292.jpg        image293.jpg



Catalog of prefabricated manhole elements

It is possible to create ten element types of prefabricated components. Components can be both circular and rectangular.


All components stated in DIN 4034-1h have already been created in the catalog – ten groups of components according to EN and DIN

standard. Since only round components were defined in the standards, only round components were created in Urbano catalog as

well, although it is possible to create rectangular components, too.





Users can use those components, or change components and groups to fit their requirements. They can use existing elements or create

new ones, same as in all other catalogs.

To create new components, it is necessary to create new item, based on element type, as shown on the picture:





When you create element based on element template, you will be able to define element dimensions; picture on the left side of the dialog

will show you what value does the properly refers to.


Types of prefabricated elements:


Base unit (DIN 4034-1: Schachtunterteil)       Base ring (DIN 4034-1: Fußauflagering)           Chamber ( (DIN 4034-1: Schachtring)   
image880.jpg                     image882.jpg                       image883.jpg                 

Shaft unit (DIN 4034-1: Schachtrohr)             Reducing ring (DIN 4034-1: Übergangsring)     Reducing slab (DIN 4034-1: Übergangsplatte)

image884.jpg                 image885.jpg                       image886.jpg


Taper element (DIN 4034-1: Schachthals)       Cover slab (DIN 4034-1: Abdeckplatte)               Adjusting unit (DIN 4034-1: Auflagering)

image881.jpg                       image887.jpg                          image888.jpg


Manhole cover



Catalog of printing frames (longitudinal section)

Catalog of frames which can be used for printing longitudinal section, after braking according to defined parameters.




Catalog of pipes

Catalog of pipes defined by the pipe manufacturer or by the user, according to material, diameter, strength and any other parameter. All defined pipes in the catalogue can be used in the drawing and for calculations.




In the catalogue can be defined 7 types of default shapes of the cross section (circular, egg-formed, inverted egg-formed, elliptic, rectangular, rectangular with cunette, and hat):


0-CIRCULAR                   1-EGG-FORMED            2-INVERTED-EGG-FORM        3-ELIPTIC              

image294.jpg        image295.jpg       image296.jpg                   image297.jpg


4-RECTANGULAR          5-RECTANGULAR WITH CUNETTE                                  6-HAT

image298.jpg         image299.jpg                                                             image300.jpg


Catalog of protecting pipes

Protecting pipes can be created in two way  - with defined diameter and with diameter that depends of the main pipe diameter:







Catalog of trenches

Catalogue of trenches in which pipes are laid. There are 6 different types of trenches according to type of bed and shape of trench (single and double trench; sand, concrete and no bed). Trenches definition are used for excavation calculation.



Automatic calculation of trench width

If the option Calculate trench width is selected, single trench will be drawn, and program will select the width of the trench according to European standard EN 1610 and DIN standards 18300 and 4124. Selected trench width depends on the pipe diameter, the angle of the trench sides, and it depends on the fact if there is a form work on the trench sides or not; or on trench depth.


The value for trench width is obtained  from two tables. In first table the width is obtained from pipe diameter and the angles of the trench sides, and in another the width is obtained from trench depth. The  bigger of these two values for certain cross section is taken as the trench width.



Pipe Trench Types





image301.jpg                   image302.jpg          image303.jpg







image304.jpg                  image305.jpg           image306.jpg


Catalog of upper layers

Catalog with upper layers which contains definitions of upper layers, layers near the surface of terrain which are important for the cost of excavation.


One group can contain arbitrary number of layers. When the user assigns certain upper layer for the pipes, basically he assigns entire group with all layers

of the group.

