Trench Calculation



Function for trench calculation includes following:








Trench definition

In the first tab - Define trench parameters, it is possible to define trench definition with available parameters:



Assigning trench to pipe elements

In the other tab - Calculate, the program proposes all network branches as pipe sequences for the calculation of excavation values (by default):




However, the user can create custom selections, and define one trench in one part of the network, the other on the another part and so on.




Excavation Report


After that, it is possible to export excavation report to TXT or XLS file. To do so, it is necessary to:


  1. Select active network

  2. Check network parts that will be included in the report

  3. Select trench definition

  4. Select file format

  5. Select data for export

  6. Select file path and name

  7. Click Run:





Results of excavation in Urbano Visio Grid table


Additionally, it is possible to check excavation data in Urbano Visio data grid table (and use standard copy & paste functionality):





Calculation example


Calculation example shows one simple DTM surface and simple Civil3D Pipe Network, that consists of one pipe and two structures.

